7 September 2023

We all know Aquaclean likes adding different functions to their fabrics. They always thought that beautiful fabric is not enough; it also must make life better and easier for the user. So, Safe Front®, the name of their antibacterial technology, arises when more people seek a clean and safe environment. Aquaclean applies this technology to all its fabrics. It kills 99.9% of bacteria and mites, making it a perfect solution for allergy-associated users.

For your peace of mind, Aquaclean fabrics offer a double guarantee of hygiene from the factory to your home:
The Safe Front® component protects against viruses and bacteria as standard, effectively reducing its activity. Moreover, the Aquaclean feature limits the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the fabric.
Aquaclean and Safe Front® joint formula has been effective after multiple washes* and years of use. (*10 washing cycles have been tested at 30ºC, demonstrating their effectiveness).

We are textile specialists with almost 60 years of tradition in textile manufacturing, so we know the challenges of pet owners very well. Many of us at Aquaclean have pets and we understand the needs and functions that are necessary to make your sofa use enjoyable for all.
We manufacture two types of fabrics: woven fabrics and flocked fabrics. Flocked fabrics are a special type of product, very durable and perfect for pet owners. All products that were created with pets in mind belong to Aquaclean Extreme collection.

It doesn’t matter how often you bathe your pet; they still bring loads of bacteria from outside, which is why our fabrics have an antibacterial shield included. It kills 99.9% of bacteria and mites!

Remember! All Aquaclean Extreme collections:
Are cleanable with just water!
Have antibacterial protection
Contain NO nasty chemicals
Have Vegan Certification
Have Global Recycled Standard Certification.
Have Fire Retardant treatment included
Are made in Spain by a family-owned business with almost 60 years of experience in textile manufacturing.

If you decide to change your sofa, OVO's custom-made furniture service with Aquaclean fabric should be one of your best choices. Please visit our stores and talk to our furniture consultants. Or contact us at the following link. Contact Us
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