30 Sep 2021

As one of the most ancient energy tools, a singing bowl is a quintessential tool for meditation, stress reduction, and holistic healing. It is a particular form of a bell that is inverted without a flap and reverberated with a wooden mallet. Accompanied with your meditation or yoga sessions, it vibrates and creates a pleasant and peaceful sound; produces a rich, deep magical humming tone that touches deep and comforts; flowing through the body to ease your mind and bring benefits physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Carefully selected for their acoustic qualities, our singing bowls are made of a combination of seven metals. The use of bronze alloy, copper, tin, zinc, silver, gold, and nickel. They are also hand-hammered using the most traditional technique by artisans in Nepal, and each of them has a unique look and significant variation of sounds.

The bowl comes with a wooden mallet, which has a leather wrap and hand-sewn cushion. With the mallet, sit the bowl on your open palm; you are meant to strike the bowl, or hold the wooden mallet upright against it, move the mallet steadily around the outside, keeping firm contact until the bowl starts playing mesmerizing tones.
The sound and vibrations promote a relaxed state perfect for deep meditation, creative thinking, and intuitive messages. Explore our selections of new and vintage bowls in stores; get it for your home to awaken your spiritual practice, or gift it to friends to pass on your blessings for their lasting peace and happiness in life.